I love Liz. Really. I swear. I count each moment that I have with her a gift due to her age. But MAN can that dog rub me the wrong way...
I am sick. I have a cold. I want to lie down and sleep. Liz wants me to be aware that she is in the room. She wants that every time she comes in the room, probably because she's forgotten that she was just there. In fact, today while I was napping she came in the room more than five times, barking every time like I'd left her at the mall.
It's hard to sleep when she barks. Oh, I just have to remember these moments and be thankful because the day will come when I won't hear that aaaaoouuf aaaooouuuf anymore...
I just noticed that Hunk has white around his eyebrows. Where did THAT come from? In a little over a month, we will be celebrating his fifth gotcha day. FIFTH! Where did the past four years go? Our time with these precious creatures is so short, you'd think that the time we have with them could at least past slowly.
Hunky's gotcha day is also Profile's, but he's only been here four years. It's hard for me to look around sometimes at the "old" animals that I have. Jeany will be 8 on April 4th, Profile 10 in June, Hunky 9 and Liz 15 in July. Franny and Zooey will be 11 in March and Mills will be 7 in May.
I'm just having a sad day I suppose. I am okay somedays and not on others when it comes to my animals. I miss Bo so much it hurts. And yet I find myself unable to remember things like what his fur smelled like or how his bark sounded. I just recently put the hard drive out of my old computer into my new one as a slave drive, and have rediscovered so many old pictures...I'm going to OD on nostalgia someday, I just know it.
And as I'm at the end of my rope, a nose lifts up my elbow and adoring brown eyes (no matter how much they are surrounded by white fur where brown used to be)look up at me and it's all okay. For that moment anyway...